
Examples Of Madness In Hamlet

Decent Essays

Hamlet’s Road to Madness Hamlet goes mad after pretending to be mad for revenge on Claudia’s. The tone is set early in the play of Hamlet, when Hamlets father is killed. Hamlet later discovers that his mother Queen Gertrude is remarrying shortly after his father’s death, but not only is she remarrying, she is remarrying Hamlets father’s killer whom is also Hamlets uncle, Claudia’s. While pretending to go insane Hamlet really did go a little crazy. In Act 1 Scene 5, Hamlet’s fathers’ ghost informs Hamlet that Claudia’s is the one who murdered him, and he wants Hamlet to seek revenge on his Uncle Claudia’s. In Act 2 Scene 2, Hamlet pretends to go insane to distract Claudia’s from his true intentions; which seemed

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