
Examples Of Masculinity In Macbeth

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One would not think that committing murder, or persuading someone to commit murder, would necessarily increase your masculinity. Yet, in William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth, failure to commit murder reduces a man to the status of a woman, by definition, a non-masculine person. Being a man puts one at a higher status, proving one’s manliness is beyond important. It is common to take advantage of someone by challenging their bravery, therefore putting them in a vulnerable state of mind. Vigor, strength, and leadership are three qualities that were extremely important for men to have. Committing murder is one way of showing a man possesses these qualities. Proving masculinity by committing murder, or influencing someone to commit murder, …show more content…

Lady Macbeth uses this mischievous tactic on Macbeth when he is doubting the murder of the honorable King Duncan. She accuses Macbeth of not being masculine or mentally strong enough to kill for his own benefit. He argues that he is more of a man for not committing this wretched act, she responds, “When you durst do it, then you were a man;/And to be more than what you were, you would/Be so much more than a man” (Shakespeare 43). Lady Macbeth’s point is that when he does commit murder to gain an honorary position, he is a man, and this is the only way he can prove himself to her. Eventually Macbeth starts to become independent and does not rely on Lady Macbeth’s wicked persuasion. He is ready to concoct his own schemes, so he says to the murderers tasked with killing Banquo and Fleance, “Both of you/Know Banquo was your enemy” (Shakespeare 89). Macbeth is manipulating the minds of these two men to do what he wants. This is just as Lady Macbeth did to him before the murder of Duncan which shows that he has now strayed away from Lady Macbeth, and this is the biggest part of his

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