
Examples Of Maturity In Catcher In The Rye

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In the book “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger, the protagonist, Holden gets kicked out of his school,Pencey Prep, for poor grades. He causes trouble with the kids at Pencey Prep and decides to leave and stay at a hotel in New York where he causes even more trouble. People dispute over Holden's maturity or lack there of in the book. Some people view Holden's actions and thoughts to be justifiably mature. However others refuse to make excuses for his behavior and see his behavior as what it it, immature. Holden above all else demonstrates immaturity in the book “The Catcher in the Rye.” One example of immaturity in the book is when he writes, “She had really big knockers (Salinger 86).”He uses those words to describe another character …show more content…

He never even waited for a full confession to fall off of Stradlater's lips before he let his anger take over. Holden shows examples constantly throughout the book that he has not grasped control over his anger issues. I think it only gives more evidence to his immaturity. This is because just like children on a playground, he can’t help but to fight over everything. He also demonstrates a very possessive personality by wanting to hurt Stradlater for going out with Jane. Holden has never been in an actual romantic relationship with Jane and yet he feels he can take ownership over her. He hasn’t even talked to her in ages and he feels the need to defend Janes honor. He denies the very plausible possibility that Jane may have wanted to be intimate with Stradlater consensually. Holden only ever shows interest in Jane, but Jane is also the only girl Holden doesn’t ask out. Holden always goes out with women he could never love instead. This shows that he is on a path of relationship self destruction. He is far to scared to start a relationship with someone he could settle down with and love. His fear of taking on the responsibility of a relationship shows his …show more content…

People could misinterpret this as a gesture of respect toward a mother who only wants to think of her child as just that, a good kid. To people it may seem to be an honest act of kindness from Holden but that is only him fooling people as a readers as well. His intentions aren’t of a good nature but rather, he is just committing a selfish act for his own pleasure in playing with people's lives. Holden has always shown throughout the book that he finds pretending and lying to be a fun pastime game for him. Any opportunity that he gets, he uses to make a mockery of other people's lives. Holden finds the mother to be foolish like everyone else and in a way he is making fun of her by playing up her son's kindness. Lying has always been a main symptom that stems from immaturity. People often see these acting games from children and Holden is too old to still be playing such childish games. I tend to think Salinger purposely likes to hint to his readers that Holden is trying to cling to his childhood. Salinger does this to show us Holden is afraid of growing up. It is also Salinger's way to show teens it is normal to have fears of growing up. I also think Holden fears judgement

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