
Examples Of Mental Illness In Wonderland

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Mental Illness in Media

The opening scenes of Wonderland a drama set in the emergency room units of a hospital in New York, is a man who suffers from schizophrenia that goes on a shooting spree in Times Square and after stabs a pregnant physician in the stomach. This is your typical stereotype of someone who is mentally ill portray by media, which is the most influential to the public. As a result society has grown to think that persons with mental illnesses are dangerous and incapable of taking care of themselves. Nevertheless the mentally ill have been strongly affected by the myths that media has created.

Whether it’s a movie, a TV program, an article, or a news program, media uses them to depict a negative connotation of mentally ill …show more content…

Ms. Bishop suffered of schizoaffective disorder: a chronic mental health condition with symptoms of schizophrenia, such as mood disorder, delusions or hallucinations, and depression. Although she was a victim of this illness she was not a danger to society. In no point in her life did she go out to the public and murder people. Instead she got involved in everyday activities, she “enjoyed cooking large meals for Caitlin’s friends” …show more content…

A mentally ill person is like any ordinary person who is trying to live a peaceful live. Even though this person might be diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) it does not mean she can’t go out in the world and do something you and me can. For instance Elyn Saks whom suffers with schizophrenia has work though her disorder and is know a professor of law, psycology, psychiatry, and the behavioral sciences at th University of Southern California (USC). She studied law in one of tope universities Yale (63). In reality society would not believe this because of media. They would think such thing is impossible. As for taking care of themselves if a patient was unable to do so then doctors would do their job to report this to a jury where the patient would go through a trial like Ms. Bishop who was said to be capable of making her own decisions (61). Indeed she was able to take care of herself as Aviv discussed, “In 2003, she entered a supported-housing program in Manchester, New Hampshire” and was admitted after evaluation (59). In conclusion each patient is able to live normally as long as they have help and

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