
Examples Of Mistakes In Frankenstein

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The novel Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, is a cult classic that was and still is very popular. Many films and knock-off comics have been made of the novel, because of this fact. But, even though we know the story of Frankenstein by heart at this point, can we learn something from it. Lessons have existed since the beginning of man. Lessons have been taught through the Bible, through children stories, and through adult novels. So, what is the lesson Mary Shelley wants her audience to learn? The issue that Shelley is trying to teach us to avoid is ignorance of our mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s a fundamental trait of every human. So, if nobody’s perfect then own up to your mistakes instead of disowning them and only further damage …show more content…

Victor’s own brother dies by the hands of the creature and Victor still doesn’t react in anyway and goes back to isolating himself and ignoring his mistakes instead of accepting what he has done and prevent anymore consequences. Shelley’s lesson is exactly this, Victor ends up being killed by the creature, so in the end Victor died from his mistake that he never owned up to. In more basic terms, owning up to your mistakes can change the way your life goes. Obviously, Victor’s offense is on the more extreme side of this lesson but nonetheless, the lesson is all the same. A study done on people who watched the film Margaret (2011) and asking for their analysis of the film after it finished. The moral aspect of the film that the test subjects watched was taking responsibility for your actions. Here is a statement, “At its heart, the movie is a compelling parable about the necessity of taking moral responsibility for one's actions…”. As the statement inquires, it is a “necessity” to take responsibility for your “actions”, i.e. mistakes. Another statement from Robin M. Zavod (PhD), who wrote an article about taking responsibility,

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