
Examples Of Modern Day Re-Segregation

Decent Essays

Purpose Statement for my Argument Essay For my Argumentative Essay “Modern Day Re-Segregation in Today’s Schools”, I will be addressing Professor Kelly Bradford and my fellow students of Ivy Tech online English Composition 111-54H. As I chose Martin Luther King’s “Letter from A Birmingham Jail” as my core reading topic, I have gained an interest in not only the fight for civil rights that Mr. King lead in the 1950’s but have gotten interested in how there is still a large gap in equality in education due to the current situation of not only educational segregation but social and economic segregation. Through my research I have discovered that not only segregation in the schools is on the rise, but that socioeconomic segregation exists and is fueling the decrease in academic success by impoverished students. Through my writing I want to demonstrate that the socioeconomic isolation and segregation not only affects those that are directly bound by it, but that it affects every American in some form or other. I am submitting my writing as a formal academic manuscript. Modern Day Re-Segregation in Today’s Schools Dr. Martin Luther King said “whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly” over 60 years ago but it has never been truer that today when all Americans are paying the price for modern day segregated schools with poorly educated students and record dropout rates causing an increased burden on the entire country. Over 60 years ago, Dr. Martin

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