
Examples Of Mongols Being Barbaric

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The word “Barbarian” translates to the Greek word “Barbaros”, this word just meant foreigner. I personally the Mongols were very barbaric. They just are violent, they kill, and have no objective. They conquer and kill as many people as they need to just to own land. They are very violent and have no souls regarding killing women and children. They killed them just like they killed and treated men and soldiers. I believe the mongols are barbaric because they have violent morals, kill innocent, and conquer over and over with no reason or purpose. First of all they have very violent morals, for example in document two it says, “ if one or two or three or even more out of a group of ten run away, all are put to death: and if a whole group of ten flees, the rest of the group of one hundred are ALL put to death”. This shows that they believe that if you run from battle that you do not deserve to live. As a punishment they would kill the people that depended on you so you carry that burden. Also from document two, “ if one or two go forward boldly to the fight, then the rest of the …show more content…

And that not even cats and dogs should be left alive”, from Document four. This shows that they just slay and kill and nothing should be alive.They come through these towns and slay all the men, women and children, also even the animals. Another example from document four is, “ They severed the heads of the slain from their bodies and heaped them up in piles keeping those of the men separate from those of the women and children”. This shows that they are just so numb to violence and even though they already killed them they had to cut their heads off, put them in separate piles, and then they feel like the

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