
Barbaric Empire Dbq

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The Mongols: How Barbaric Were They? The Mongols originated in central Asia and conquered one after the other, earning the reputation of “barbarians.” It started off with Genghis Khan and the Mongols who first attacked their neighbors, then the Persian empire of Khwarazm, another wave which included Russia and Eastern Europe, and a third wave of The Middle East. At their peak, the Mongols had conquered 4,860,000 square miles of land, making them larger than what Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Attila, and Cyrus the Great had conquered combined. Were the Mongols really as barbaric as they sounded or was it all just rumors? The Mongols were a barbaric empire that would do whatever it took to succeed. The Mongols were an extremely barbaric empire because of how soldiers who fled were treated, the cruel and unusual deaths of prisoners, and how adultery was conducted. Those who did not do their job as a soldier were to be killed and because of this rule, the Mongols were excessively cruel. Stated in Document 2, “In a word, unless they retreat in a body, all who take flight are put to death.” Soldiers who fled in battle were to be put to death. Those who were not brave enough to engage in combat and took flight were to be terminated because they did not have the courage to risk their life. This piece of evidence further proves why the …show more content…

“...showing the execution of a prisoner by a Mongol soldier. Others are being buried alive upside-down.” said in Document 5, a caption to go along with a Persian manuscript. In this so called manuscript, a prisoner appears to be tied up and getting shot at point blank range with a bow and arrow. Also in the manuscript is at least 5 men upside-down with their heads in the ground and rest of their bodies overturned. These are ways of murderer, ways of a barbarian. The Mongols were unrelenting, executing prisoners in cruel and sadistic

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