
Examples Of Pearl In The Scarlet Letter

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Out of the sinful act that Hester commits, she receives a baby girl from God, Pearl. Pearl is represented in both positive and negative ways. She is often distracted by the beauty of nature throughout the novel. In the Scarlet Letter, Pearl represents the guilt and shame that Hester has to live with, the only “treasure” Hester receives in her life, and mirror image of the person her mother is through her actions and behaviors. Pearl was basically Hester Prynne's life and kept her going through the great sin she had committed. Pearl was a visual representation of Hester's sin and she displays traits of Hester that would resemble Pearl being a reflection of herself. She becomes the letter itself physically. Hawthorne’s intentions were …show more content…

Hester would sacrifice everything she had for Hester. The importance of Pearl to Hester is expressed when the narrator says “But she named the infant “Pearl,” as being of great price, ---purchased with all she had, --- her mother’s only treasure!” (Hawthorne 82). Hester more importantly wanted to teach Pearl what she learned in her sin. Pearl was the result of her tremendous sin and she saw the beauty in the baby being born while everyone else looked at Pearl as if she were a devil child. Pearl is a representation of the constant guilt and shame that Hester has to continuously live with. This guilt was expressed through public shame and the fact that the first thing that Hester saw when she was born was her mother's Scarlet letter and she would constantly be distracted by the letter and it reminded Hester of the way everybody saw her. Her willingness to do anything for Pearl leads to her giving into her childish demands. Pearl, being born out of her mother’s sin, does not want the scarlet letter to leave her mother. This is expressed in, “The child will not let her mother cast the scarlet letter aside because Pearl herself is emblem of a passion which partook of that same heathen, natural wilderness. ("Hester's Double Providence: The Scarlet Letter and the Green”), which shows how Pearl wants all three of them to stand on the scaffold. Pearl was much focused on the …show more content…

Pearl and her mother must rely on each other in order to get through the days of the loneliness. Hawthorne describes this loneliness by saying, “Mother and daughter stood together in the same circle of seclusion from human society.” (Hawthorne 87). Just like her mother, Pearl was isolated from the outside world because of the sin her mother had committed. She did not fit in with the other kids. Pearl was basically a complete double of her mother and was just as defiant in her actions and the way she got along with others. She is proud of who she is and refuses to be teased. In one sense, Pearl is symbolic in the sense that because she has all of her mother's traits, then in a way she is Hester in a new life and receiving a second chance. This may be why Hester is determined to make sure that Pearl does not end up making the same mistake. Pearl is very much represented as a mirror of her mother in the way she becomes obsessed with the scarlet letter that her mom wears. Pearl is the last strand of hope that her mother has in the world and she wants to be a good parent because Pearl is like her in so many ways. She is in addition the instigator to soften Mr. Dimmesdale through his dreams and the child-like innocence that she displays along with her mother’s same traits that she loves. Pearl does not stop in figuring out the truth behind the letter. In a way, this is her way of forcing the situation to be resolved and she realizes the only

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