
Examples Of Perseverance In Whale Talk

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What experiences have you had to persevere through? Perseverance is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition: the action or condition or an instance of persevering: steadfastness” and can be applied in many ways to our everyday life and the book Whale Talk. In Whale Talk, the characters are shown persevering in several ways, through tragedies and to reach their goals. In the news article chosen an American joins in Israel’s Defense Force, loses an arm and continues to serve. Chris Crutcher’s purpose with Whale Talk is to show tragedy and perseverance through imagery, themes, and examples in the story. Imagery is the use of descriptive language to draw attention to characters, scenes, and items. Imagery can be anything from describing how a character looks to describing how something sounds. In Whale Talk a prime example of imagery is when Carly says “‘That night I got a bottle opener from the kitchen and a ball peen hammer and redecorated his brand-new Lexus; smashed all the glass and ran the beer opener down each side, fender to fender’” (Crutcher 74). Another example of imagery in Whale Talk is “He …show more content…

One example of tragedy and perseverance in Whale Talk is T.J.’s dad after he ran over Stacy Couples’ son and tries to redeem himself (Crutcher 80-84,297-289). There are also real-life examples of tragedy and perseverance. Izzy Ezagui is an American that witnessed a suicide bombing when he was 13 while in Jerusalem, Israel which inspired him to join the Israeli Defense Force in which he lost his arm but he persevered and rejoined the defense force after his injuries healed and eventually got promoted to the Israeli Special Forces (Corbin). The example in the book and the real-life example are connected by the fact both the people involved experienced a tragedy that they eventually persevered

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