
Examples Of Personification In Sleeping In The Forest By Lucille Clifton

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Lucille Clifton, Mary Oliver, and Pat Mora use personification to create a message about nature in the poems "the earth is a living thing," "Sleeping in the Forest," and "Gold". In the poem "the earth is a living thing" Lucille Clifton uses the quote "is a favorite child", to explain that she says that nature is an extraordinary place. The poem "Sleeping in the Forest" states the quote "she took me back so tenderly". The quote sends a message, that nature is always welcoming. Last but not least, Pat Mora uses personification by writing the quote, "When the sun paints the desert with its gold". The text means that sun acts as if it paints the dull color of the sand with its golden light and it seems if it stretches on forever. The

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