
Examples Of Plot In The Outsiders

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Plots in the Outsiders In order to make a fantastic book every author tries to include many plots. With each plot it strengthens the character and adds many key moments. It also adds a storyline to the character and how they face the plot. In the novel the Outsiders there are many forms and examples of plot. The novel written by S.E Hinton takes place where there are many fights and obstacles that the characters have to face along the way. One example of a plot is person vs self. In the story Darry and Ponyboy don’t get along very well. A lot of times they get into arguments, by yelling and shouting. This would be an example of person vs person because one character is …show more content…

In this situation Ponyboy and Darry are verbally fighting each other. Furthermore, when Ponyboy arrived late coming home, Darry was really mad and slapped Ponyboy in the face. Another example of person vs person would be Paul and Darry. Since Darry can’t pay for his college and he needs to look after his brothers, he becomes a greaser. Paul is the complete opposite when compared to Dally. Paul comes from a rich family and he gets to go to college and be a part of the football team. This is an example of person vs person because in the rumble they are both physically hurting each other because of their differences. This is an example of person vs person because they are fighting each other to show superiority and dominance. Finally, an example of person vs person would be Johnny and Dally. When Ponyboy was at the movies Dally was annoying and bothering cherry by saying rude comments. In the text it states “Dally started to put his arm around her, but Johnny reached over and stopped him. Saying "Leave her alone Dally." In this situation Dally and Johnny are an example of person vs person. Dally wants to tease Cherry but Johnny is stopping him. This is creating an obstacle for Dally thus making it person vs …show more content…

After hearing about Johnny’s death Ponyboy was facing many mental problems with his mind. He kept on reassuring himself that Johnny was still alive and was in the empty lot. On page 168 Pony says ' I killed him. I had a switchblade and I was scared they were going to beat me up' 'Jonny is not dead. Johnny is not dead,' My voice shaking". Ponyboy is still denying about his death and making up things to make him feel better. This is an example of Person vs self because Ponyboy has to get the inter strength and will to accept and understand Johnny’s death. When Johnny died and Dally robbed a store and got shot is an example of person vs self. This is an example of person vs self because dally needs to stay strong after Johnny’s death. He needs to fight the emotions and feelings he has after seeing Johnny die. This becomes an obstacle for Dally. In his whole life he didn’t have anybody that he really cared and loved about. The one exception would be Johnny. After he died he didn’t really see a point of living without him. Unfortunately, Dally doesn’t take Johnny’s death very well and gets shot. Finally an example of person vs self is Randy and how reacts to Bob’s death. After Bob’s death Randy starts to have a different perspective on things. Once Randy realizes what the fight between the Socs and the greasers really mean he is having a battle with his mind. He needs to

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