
Examples Of Prejudice In The Secret Life Of Bees

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In The Secret Life of Bees the most prominent theme is racism and prejudice because of the relation it has to the current world issues. The novel displays racism and prejudice very clearly so that the reader can imagine what it must have been like. The year that the novel takes place, 1964, is a major contributor to the validation of the way racism is portrayed. In the South, where the novel takes place, racism is still poignant today, while not as noticeable and less accepted as well as less admitted the reader can see why it would have been a problem back then. One can also see the segregation in society that is obvious to anyone and thoughtlessly accepted. These points provide vital information to understanding of the main characters, Rosaleen. …show more content…

In 1964, when the novel takes place, the United States was going through the Civil Rights Act, hence Rosaleen’s new ability to vote. Timing is everything and an African American woman walking around with a Caucasian girl was not a normal sight at the time. The 1960’s was a difficult time for the African American Society; however, the signing of the Civil Rights Act on July 2nd, 1964 would lead to many advancements in clearing up racism in the United States of America. Now, fifty-one years later, racism and prejudice is still a large problem that African Americans face; however, the harshness has decreased considerably since. 1964 will always be a year to remember for the African American society because of the major advances this entire race of people made for a cause that all of them should

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