
Examples Of Racial Tension In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

This novel introduced that racial tension still continued in the South during the 1960’s. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee introduces literary devices to address the racial tensions that still continue in the South during the 1960’s. The conflict in this story is external because it incorporates how the black community is severely criticized by the other residents in Maycomb, Alabama. These racial tensions caused many black people to be accused of to cleanse the south and return it to how it originally was. First of all , hyperbole was used in this novel to show that there are still those who want the blacks to be treated like third class citizens. As stated in the novel “They said he just broke into a blind raving charge at the fence and started climbing over”(pg. 235 ) this shows that they exaggerated the truth of him escaping in order to have an excuse to kill him. This further proves that the racial tensions in the South continued and there would …show more content…

Many of these cases involved a black male being accused of a crime they didn’t commit. For instance, “ Shields argues persuasively that Lee’s novel more closely reflected the less infamous 1933 case of Walter Lett, a black man accused of raping a white woman” (Best) this proves that Lee understood the tragedy that was happening in the south and wanted to demonstrates how blacks were treated in her novel. Moreover, “To Kill a Mockingbird is the structural and ideological detail of the Emmett Till trial of 1955, which upon close consideration seems unquestionably to have provided a workable model for aspects of Lee’s fictional Tom Robinson trial”. (Chura) in Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird Tom’s case helped understand how the other cases in history were won due to racists being put on jury. This further proves that racism will continue in the south even in places where the law is supposed to be protecting

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