
Examples Of Real Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

Satisfactory Essays

In the novel, courage is defined as “Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” In my own life, being a kid, I have not had moments as courageous a when Jem and Scout comfort Mrs. Dubose, but I have experienced courage. I once had a friend that I had known for years, and was still close with. I had some other friends who started calling him names, and being mean to him, and I went up to them, and stuck up for my friend. Courage for me is standing up to a group of racist individuals, and saying that is not right and I will not stand for this. Courage is going up to someone and saying what you are doing is not right, and helping them to change. I think this relates to the book,

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