
Examples Of Rebelliousness In The Book Thief By Markus Zusak

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Rebelliousness is the desire to resist authority or control. Teenagers often develop rebelliousness. There is no exception for Liesel, Rudy, and Max. they are main characters within The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. At some point in the The Book Thief, Liesel, Rudy, and Max Rebel against some form of power, control, or authority. Liesel, Rudy, and Max have done at least 2 Things within The Book Thief. Liesel has a fondness for reading literature, but in the current time period, Liesel can barely get any. Liesel has become desperate enough to steal books. If Liesel saw an opportunity or opening, she would seize it with an iron grip. Liesel Saw an opportunity at a book burning held by the nazi’s. A few of the books were damp with a non-flammable

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