
Examples Of Redemption In The Joy Luck Club

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Joy Luck Club Essay Four Chinese immigrant women meet to play mahjong, and tell stories, but there are darker stories not yet told. Each of these four women have daughters. The Joy Luck Club is based around the four women and their daughters revealing their secrets and hidden stories. The stories are told through flashbacks. Each identifying the struggles of life and redemption. And all these stories are revealed at a farewell party for June. Each one of the stories shares one common theme. This theme that Amy Tan conveys through the story is redemption. Some examples of redemption throughout the story is conveyed through relationships and also self redemption. This theme is conveyed through plot, character, and setting. To begin, …show more content…

One example, when Lena is in her first marriage with Harold Livonty. As the story of Lena is being told, the setting of the house represents the marriage between Lena and Harold. When Ying-Ying visits her daughter, Ying-Ying can tell that the relationship is a failure. The reason the marriage is a failure is because the marriage is based on equality. One incident that also caused the failure of the marriage, is that Harold forces Lena to pay for the ice cream even though Lena doesn’t eat ice cream. Due to this Lena is not happy, but she doesn’t want to end the marriage. The first time that the setting represents the marriage is when Ying-YIng ask Lena how the marriage is going. As Lena responds by saying it’s going well, a teapot is steaming and whistling. This represents that the relationship is not well and Lena is about to burst and hates the marriage. The house also represents the marriage, when Ying-Ying goes upstairs she realizes that the house is crooked and not perfect. This represents the relationship because of how crooked and imperfect the relationship is. Another example of setting is the table in the room, if anything else is placed on the table it would collapse, just as the relationship would collapse if anything else would happen. The relationship between Ying-Ying and her daughter wasn’t the strongest because of Ying-Ying’s past. Throughout Lena’s childhood, Ying-Ying showed no spirit and was destroyed

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