
Examples Of Regionalism In A Rose For Emily

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Brooklyn Schumm “A Rose For Emily” Author/Story Analysis 4-27-2017 P. 4

“A Rose For Emily” was written by William Faulkner. Faulkner was an author who practiced Regionalism in a lot of his works. “A Rose For Emily” was no exception. It recalls moments from the life of a woman known as Miss Emily. Even though the story starts off with, “When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral…”, you still get a good understanding of who Miss Emily was and how she acted throughout the rest of the story. William Faulkner was someone who commonly wrote using Regionalism. Regionalism is what it is called to write about a specific region or place, with emphasis on characters or themes. In “A Rose For Emily”, the setting is a small town and the main character is Emily. One of the ways that Faulkner uses Regionalism in this short story, is by talking about taxes. One of the fundamental issues near the beginning of the story, is that Miss Emily doesn’t want to pay her taxes. Talking about land and taxes connects the reader to a certain place or region. She wasn’t supposed to be paying them, so the reader can connect to Emily at this time by comparing similar …show more content…

Although this can be unclear and confusing, most readers can piece together what is happening when if you just look between the lines. One example of a flashback is when the author starts talking about how sick Emily was. He starts off a paragraph with, “She was sick for a long time”, after he had already said that she was dead. An example of foreshadowing would be when the author stated, “And that was the last we saw of Homer Barron. And Miss Emily for some time.” We later find out that Emily had killed Homer, and that is why he was gone and why she was gone for a long time. In this story, it is important to connect the dots and read between the lines, because otherwise, you will get

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