
Examples Of Reputation In Othello

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The Truth Behind Reputation Reputation and honor are a big part of who you are. Reputation is the opinions of others while honor shows the respect you have for yourself. Iago’s reputation is determined by others such as Othello who believes he is always honest. Iago’s reputation makes others not see his true colors and his reputation changes as the story progresses because of his manipulation towards Cassio, evil intentions towards Desdemona, and his intense questioning of Othello. Iago messed with Othello’s mind in terrible ways even to the point of accusing his wife of terrible actions. Iago twists words to doom Othello, making him believe that even the ones he loves and trusts the most would betray him. Iago talks to Roderigo about Othello’s love life and says; “That Cassio loves her, I do well believe it; That she loves him/Now, I do love her too/ …show more content…

Iago twists the truth several times throughout the story and will do anything to get what he wants. In the quote Iago starts trouble by accusing Desdemona of loving another man other than Othello, Iago acts innocent in front of Othello but behind his back he is really deceiving him. Iago will do whatever it takes to accomplish the task at hand and with his reputation being so good, no one will suspect a thing. Othello strongly respects Iago which leads him to do anything Iago says. Iago will say what is needed in order for Othello to get revenge, even if it means killing his own wife. Iago tells Othello, “Do it not with poison, strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated” (4.1.10). Othello plans to just poison her but Iago made it worse by telling Othello he must strangle her instead. Iago wants to make sure Othello does as he says and Othello does because his respect for Iago is so high. Even when Othello questions Iago, he just reminds him that he is “honest Iago” and that Othello should trust

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