
Examples Of Scapegoation In The Crucible

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Every cause and effect has its advantages and disadvantages. When Abby is accused of witchcraft in the beginning of the play, this causes her to redirect the accusation onto Tituba resulting as an effect of scapegoating. After all of the spotlight is off of Abigail, one advantage is that she feels she is of higher power than everyone else. She replies to a question with “if I must answer that, I will leave and not come back again” (Miller 111). This scene implies that if she has to answer any question that is seemed to be lower than her or anything that questions her authority than she feels she can do whatever she wants and people will bow down to her and beg her to stay. Giving her the feeling of having power gives her an advantage to the …show more content…

To save herself, mary warren points at proctor and claims proctor is “the devil’s man” (Miller 118). When Abigail blamed Tituba, the accusation of witchcraft eventually scapegoated to Mary Warren, who in return uses John proctor to her advantage as well as a disadvantage to Abigail. scapegoating Mary Warren was not the best of ideas because little does Abby know, Mary was willing to give up proctor and abigail’s affair to her advantage. This resulted in proctor being executed and a disadvantage to Abigail because she has lost her love. Additionally, “[Giles Corey’s] very public death played a role in building public opposition to the witchcraft trials” (Linder). Giles Corey, Martha Corey’s husband, was scapegoated by the girls once he tried to defend Martha. The result of that ended with Giles being put on trial and sentenced to death by pressing under heavy stones. Martha Corey is able to use this to her advantage because her husband was seen as a martyr and everyone began to see that these trials were nothing more than ridiculous. Martha’s fate was rather different from Giles. “based on the girls’ testimony, Martha Corey was sent to the Salem jail to await trial”

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