
Examples Of Ulterior Motives In The Crucible

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Ulterior Motives Every human has an innate hunger to achieve a certain goal in life. And every action is deliberately taken in order to achieve that goal. This is perfectly illustrated in Arthur Miller’s allegorical play, The Crucible, in which multiple characters take various courses of action for their personal gain. These motives perpetuated the mass hysteria in the small Puritan community of Salem resulting in the inspiration for the play: the infamous Salem Witch Trials. However, the embodiment of this concept is not one that is unique to The Crucible. Similarly in modern society, people in difficult situations tend to act in a manner that satisfies their ulterior motives. However, this often results in the public obtaining biased and deceptive information, skewing the status quo in favor of the person as well as harming other people. Through the analysis of Reverend Parris, a local church leader, and the parents in the Daycare Scare article, one can see how people in difficult circumstances will act to satisfy their ulterior motives while negatively affecting others. In The Crucible, Reverend Parris finds his daughter, Betty, and niece, Abigail, dancing strangely in the forest in night with a large group of girls. Some believe the dances they were doing in the forest were to conjure spirits and to worship the Devil. Due to his affiliation with the girls, Parris feels that his reputation with the church will be tarnished. While interrogating Abigail, he reveals this

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