
Examples Of Scientific Advancement In Frankenstein

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Frankenstein Scientific Advancement

Just because we can advance in science does not mean we should. While some advancement in science could save millions of lives, others could end them. So where do we draw the line in between advancements that save lives and ones that end them? For example, scientists advancing in nuclear weapons, in their point of view are making bombs to protect their people or country, but they are not thinking about the people their weapons will be used on and how it will affect them. So where do they draw the line if they are doing good or bad? If it is your country that is defending itself, does that mean that it is ok? In Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein , Dr. Frankenstein creates what he calls a monster out of dead people's body parts and gives him life. Dr. Frankenstein was the first to ever create life, and he did not know what catastrophic things the monster would do to his family and friends in the future. Frankenstein was absorbed in himself and his project and did not consider the consequences of his creation.

Dr.frankenstein always had ambition from when he was very young one of the first examples shelly shows you is when frankenstein first leaves his home geneva for islope and soon after becomes obsessed with natural philosophy. All he does …show more content…

The book was written in the time of Romanticism, which was against scientific advancement. I disagree that all scientific advancement is bad. Now it is helpful in curing diseases, like cancer. But I also think it should not go unchecked. Especially now that we have state of the art technology that could cause havoc. While we do not have the ability to make something dead come back to life, like Frankenstein did with the monster, we do have much more technology to make bombs, robots, and genetic mutations that have people arguing will it be life saving or life

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