
Examples Of Sexuality In Catcher In The Rye

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The Catcher in the Rye Sexuality is a new more openly discussed topic than it was in The Catcher in the Rye. In the book, society did not discuss sexuality, and young adults usually had to keep their questions to themselves, as no one wanted to address them. For an emerging adult like Holden, sexuality was always on his mind. Throughout the book, he comes across many sexual encounters and acts absurd and illogically. One of the major social issues in the book The Catcher in the Rye is sexuality. Holden needed guidance and had many questions about sexuality, and desperately needed someone to discuss it with him. One source writes, “Holden struggles with his emerging sexuality. He is unable to relate in any meaningful way to the girls he encounters …show more content…

Antolini made a move on him. When Holden visited Mr. Antolini, he was drinking and had complimented him by telling him how handsome he was. This could have been seen as something more than a compliment, but Holden does not react until he wakes in the middle of the night. The book writes, “What he was doing was, he was sitting on the floor right next to the couch, in the dark and all, and he was sort of petting me or patting me on the goddam head. Boy, I'll bet I jumped about a thousand feet” (Salinger 78) Holden had quickly left house, claiming that he was pervert, and that men have tried to make moves on him in the past. On the other hand, critics claim Holden was overreacting, and that Mr. Antolini was giving him a friendly pat on the head and that Holden’s mind revolved around sexuality, and was making the situation into something that it wasn’t. It could be looked it at either way, but it still shows the paranoia of sexual encounters in the book. The setting of the book was the 1950’s, so the majority of people were extremely uncomfortable with even the thought of homosexuality, which is why Holden acted so irrationally, and fled the scene. Holden is still discovering his own sexuality, the possibility that Mr. Antolini had made a mood on him, left him abandoned and

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