
Examples Of Sinners In The Hnads Of An Angry God

Decent Essays

In "Sinners in the hnads of an angry God" Jonathan Edwards reveals how God has omnipotent power and howhe uses it to punish sinners. Jonathan Edwards proves what God is capable of causing through imagery, alliteration, and similes.

Jonathan Edwards utilizes imagery to show sinners what will become of them in the hands of God. It is mentioned, " That world of misery, that lake of burning brimestone, is extended abroad under you." This gives the reader an idea of what will one experuence if they were to disobey God. By Edwards using "misery" it shows the seriousness of disobediance and the effect it will cause you.

In addition, Edwards implements alliteration to prove that God is not clowning. Edwards mentions "The wrath of God", This

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