
Examples Of Situational Irony In The Story Of An Hour

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In Kate Chopin’s, “The Story of an Hour,” a dynamic story takes place in a short amount of time. The story begins with the protagonist, Louise Mallard, being told that her husband, Brently Mallard, has died from a railroad disaster. She grieves for a while and then goes upstairs to her room. She stares out an open window until she realizes that she is finally free. Liberated by her newfound freedom, Mrs. Mallard celebrates. Unfortunately, Mrs. Mallard’s freedom is snatched away from her in a matter of moments because Mr. Mallard was nowhere near the railroad disaster, and he is alive. Once Mrs. Mallard sees Mr. Mallard alive, she dies from a heart attack. The main reason that “The Story of an Hour” can have a plot that develops in such a short time frame is because the story has an immense feel of irony from the first line to the last. “The Story of an Hour” uses all three types of irony, situational, dramatic, and verbal, to tell a captivating story.
Scattered throughout the story are several examples of situational irony. Situational irony, “involves a discrepancy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Situational irony occurs when the exact opposite of what is meant to happen, happens” (Pandya). One example of situational irony occurs after Mrs. Mallard is told the news of Mr. Mallard’s death; she walks upstairs to her room to be alone. Although the reader expects Mrs. Mallard to grieve more, she does not. In fact, she does the complete

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