
Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague

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Social Darwinism in McTeague Social Darwinism is the theory that certain classes and groups of people survive and strive because they are superior, and they are more fit for their environment than others. Norris believed that people have to be content with their wealth and status, and be compatible with each other to survive in the urban society. Multiple characters in McTeague represented the idea of Social Darwinism. McTeague and Trina were two examples of citizens that were unfit for their environment, because they were extremely greedy and they did not comply with their social status. In contrast, Old Grannis and Miss Baker thrived and succeeded in their environment because they were satisfied with their lives and their wealth. The elderly …show more content…

Frank Norris used McTeague and Trina, and Old Grannis and Miss Baker to personify his belief of Social Darwinism in urban society, and to argue that people are destined to obtain their native social ranking. McTeague and Trina were unfit for society during their time because the McTeague's rapidly became very wealthy, and their bond did not fall in line with the theory of Social Darwinism. McTeague came from a mining family, whereas Trina came from a wealthy bloodline. When Trina won the lottery of five thousand dollars, she and McTeague gained momentum in the ranks of society. However, Trina turned saving money into hoarding money. She became a stingy miser, and she hid her winnings from her husband in the bottom of her trunk. McTeague lost his practice for dentistry, and the downfall of the husband and wife soon followed. Trina became more of a hoarder, as she would not spend any money at all, and she forced her husband to give her his savings. McTeague was unemployed and disenchanted with Trina. He fell back into alcohol abuse, and his …show more content…

The two elderly Europeans were members of the same social class. Old Grannis and Miss Baker were not greedy, and they filled the empty space in their lives with true love, not with gold. Unlike Trina and McTeague, Old Grannis and Miss baker were not consumed by their wealth. The aged couple’s love became real, soon after Old Grannis’ sale of his binding machine. Miss Baker could feel, through the wall, that her counterpart was distraught after the loss of his one and only hobby. Unexpectedly, she made him a cup of tea and brought it over to his room. After a very long uncomfortable moment, the two gradually fell in love. That was a very important moment, because it illustrated a key component of the theory of Social Darwinism. Old Grannis and Miss Baker loved each other for who they were, not for their material possessions or wealth. The two elderly Europeans survived because they were suitable for each other, and they were content with their status, unlike the

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