
Examples Of Symbolic Interactionism In Letter From Birmingham Jail

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Hamza Afzal Prof Dyer English 300 18, April 2017 Essay 2: Apostle Paul and Symbolic Interactionism Theory Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail (1965) is important from both historical and sociological points of view. It is an example of self-sacrifice as in idea for the of equality of all people. Formally, King addresses this letter that he wrote while in Birmingham jail at the clergymen who opposed his protests. In fact, he applies it to everyone who approves of racism, and considers the methods of nonviolent struggle to be too radical and far fetched from achieving an actual goal. From a sociological point of view, the “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” shows the way of nonviolent adjustment of the social conflict and stages of this way: “collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist negotiation; self-purification; and direct action” (MLK np.). Martin Luther King was the first person in western history to show that you can achieve change without going into violent measures. While taking a sociological viewpoint and following two of its major theories. It is conceivable to say that King’s method of nonviolent direct action was the leading motive in the civil rights movement, which allowed for change. Sociologically, the “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” deals with the ideas of the Structural Functionalist Theory. Structural Functional theory deals with the concept of “seeing society as a complex system whose parts work together to

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