
Examples Of Syntax In Fahrenheit 451

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Elaborating upon the above themes, Ray Bradbury makes use of sentence length (syntax), and imagery to expand upon the recollections he gained through his experiences in World War II.
A couple of occurrences in Fahrenheit 451 makes use of syntax, specifically sentence length, to articulate the spontaneousness of Montag’s thoughts. To demonstrate, in the nightfall, after having a tête-à-tête with Clarisse Mcclellan for the first time, Montag conjures offhand, impulsive thoughts. This is exceptionally executed in the phrasing of the sentences. “”One drop of rain. Clarisse. Another drop. Mildred. A third. The uncle. A fourth. The fire tonight. One, Clarisse. Two, ……. “I don’t know anything anymore,”” (15). The short sentences give way to the rapidness of Montag’s imagination. Next, Bradbury uses vivid imagery to deliver a deeper meaning into the novel. For example, fire and the salamander symbolize Montag’s past. This is because the fire and salamander are symbols to Montag’s job as a fireman. This was before Montag realized that dystopia around him, tagging the definition of the past and home to the salamander and fire. Although the book was written in 1953, many of the themes, such as loss of …show more content…

This can cause the player to interpret events such as, migrants and citizens complaining about conditions, terrorists attacks, and rebel groups differently. The player most likely will view them as a threat to the state with no real reason to betray the country. On the other hand, if the player makes a few mistakes here and there, there will be problems in sustainability for the character’s family and social standing. This would bring in the elements of hopelessness and desperation explained earlier, changing opinions on rebel groups and migrants that will approach you no matter how the character

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