
Examples Of Systemic Racism In The Criminal Justice System

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Systemic Racism in the Criminal Justice System: Rape Cases
Systemic Racism. What is it? Can it be changed? Institutional racism or systemic racism describes forms of racism which are structured into political and social institutions. It occurs when organisations, institutions or governments discriminate, either deliberately or indirectly, against certain groups of people to limit their rights. One of these systems racism has been so deeply engraved into is the Criminal Justice System. Since the beginning of slavery and even before that, racism has been prominent in Justice Systems around the world, especially in the United States and is difficult to reverse. In ‘Those Negroes did not Touch Me’, an article in New African written by Journalist …show more content…

“31 March marked exactly 75 years when nine black youths were indicted for allegedly raping two white girls on a train passing through Alabama in the deep south of USA”(Goodwin). This was in 1931, 86 years later and an African American male can still be wrongly imprisoned with one word. An example of this is African American Brian Banks. In 2002, Brian Banks was accused of rape, a crime he didn't commit and was immediately imprisoned for five years. In All American Rape by Michelle J. Anderson, Anderson explains how People, women mostly, are more afraid and concerned with a young black man violently raping a white women in the middle of the night than they are about actually real life rape causes happening right under their noses. “The typical rape in the United States does not happen in an alleyway. It most often happens in the victim's own home or in the home of a friend, relative, or neighbor. The typical rape is not launched by a stranger. Acquaintances and intimate partners commit the vast majority of rapes. The typical rape does not involve a black man attacking a white woman. Rape is overwhelmingly an intra-racial crime.” People's overwhelming racial bias toward African Americans allow this social ‘norm’, as so it could be considered, to continue. In The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, Alexander explains how the Racial Bias continuing in areas of society, especially the Criminal Justice System, are similar to that of Jim Crow. Alexander …show more content…

Jurors contribute much to racism dealing in rape and other cases. A study for The Journal of Social Psychology was conducted about Juror racism in Rape Trials by Patricia Herbert Landwehr et al., from the Department of Psychology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. In Racism in Rape Trials, Landwehr et al. concluded, similar to a previous study done by R.W. Hymes et al., Acquaintance Rape, that juror racial bias is more likely to cause a defendant to be convicted if said defendant's race differed from that of their alleged victim. Many issues come alone with the racism and racial bias continuing in Jurors and Judges. Can they be settled? The Sentencing project developed Reducing Racial Disparity in the Criminal Justice System A Manual for Practitioners and Policymakers. In this manual members of the Project developed multiple ways to reduce Racial Disparity including ‘Encouraging Diversity in the Legal Profession’. Another way to reduce racial bias in the Criminal Justice System would be to hold Blind Trials. For a Blind Trial to be effective the Jury and Judge would only be told the crime the defendant has been accused of, the age, and gender of the defendant and prosecutor. They would also be told any priors the defendant may hold and any time they may have done. The Juror and Judge will also be able to hear the statements from both sides. They will not be

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