
Examples Of Therapeutic Goals In Psychology

Satisfactory Essays

Therapeutic Goals:
To help the client find true happiness through gratitude for what is always owned and achieved
To help the client find activities those are congruent with his or her virtues
To help the client discovers personal strengths that will lead to purposeful living
To help the client achieve psychological growth
Basic Assumptions: Each individual has the innate desire to live a meaningful life. Psychology is heavily focused on fixing what is wrong with an individual when there is a mental or emotional breakdown. However, people are endowed with strengths and core values that if nourished can lead to personal well-being and feelings of fulfilment. Lives can be more productive if a greater interest is placed on building a person’s strengths than on correcting the weaknesses.
Key Concepts: Positive experiences, …show more content…

This will help the client to believe in his or her own ability to create a meaningful life
It is a facilitative approach where the therapist acts only as a guide and not the driving force in the person’s life
Techniques and procedures: The therapist will use various strengths finder evaluations to identify the client’s natural abilities
Priming – the therapist can use pictures, positive words, or an environment to help the individual to have positive thoughts. An example is looking at pictures of where the individual can go for vacation. This stimulates good energy and anticipation that can alter moods.
The individual can keep a gratitude journal to consciously capture good moments. This is shown to increase happiness
The clients will also be asked to get engaged in at least one activity from all four pillar each week. For example, do something special with or for one close individual (relationship); list something that he or she is grateful for (gratitude); lesson learned from something that did not go well (resilience); how was purpose demonstrated during the week

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