
Examples Of Thomas Jefferson Being Idle

Decent Essays

If Thomas Jefferson was idle he would not have been able to sign The Decoration of Independence. I believe Thomas Jefferson was an actively involved with the United States of America, which led him to achieving many goals. I agree with Thomas Jefferson who wrote, “Determine never to be idle… It is wonderful how much many be done if we are always doing.” If one is not idle, they can get a lot accomplished. Furthermore, being idle truly does not get one anywhere in life. Plus, when always doing, a person will have more joy in life. Firstly, if one is not idle, they can get a bunch accomplished. There are many tasks that one can execute in life. When I am at work, I do not become lethargic, and I stay motivated and accomplish my goals for that day. If one does not work hard in life, they will not complete their tasks. Many people would agree that if one works hard, they will not become idle. Thomas Jefferson was determined to accomplish his goals. He also achieved more tasks such as, becoming the third president because of his hard work. When I am in math class I am always doing my work to improve my grades and have a stable life after I graduate. Many people enjoy always working, so they accomplish their tasks. …show more content…

Most people do not enjoy being around someone who is idle. I know I do not enjoy being around anyone who is idle. Being around someone who is idle can affect one’s life in harmful ways. They can make one feel like their goals are not worth the time and effort. Everyone should not be idle, for it can become horrific for one’s health. People should not have any excuses for being idle. When I am babysitting, I cannot be idle because I am responsible for another’s life. If I am idle, I will not get anywhere with that job or any other

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