
Examples Of Traditions And Customs In The Odyssey

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An epic is considered a long poem and portrays a hero and his journeys. In Odyssey, the an important theme is Traditions and customs. Homer expressed this theme by adding how people in ancient Greece treated their gods, he also showed us that they treated their guest with the utmost respect towards them.

“They burned a fire, a gift to the gods”, in this quote it shows that Odysseus and his men were honoring the gods with the gift of fire, this action alerted the cyclops and makes him confront the men and he becomes hostile towards the men. This act was to protect them and wish them and grant them good luck in their journey home towards Ithaca. The consequence is they cyclops waking up killing two of his men. Another scene that depicts tradition and customs is when IOdysseus came home even though he didn't have a lot of food he still gave him all his food. This shows the respect the host gives to the guest when they come over the result of this, is that he helps Odysseus get familiar to itica again and rejoins him and his son …show more content…

This relates to the theme because people in ancient Greece treat their guest with a lot of respect. This scene also angers and leads to the cyclops eating two Odysseus men. This also relates to the theme because they ate the cyclopes cheese and that is a sign of disrespect and is not traditional without asking. Another quote is “O Father Zeus and gods in bliss

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