
Examples Of Transcendentalism

Decent Essays

“Envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide”(Emerson). This is an good example of transcendentalism. Transcendentalism is a political and philosophical movement that originated in America around 1836. Transcendentalists believed in self reliance just like the two modern songs “Let it go” and “Shake it off”. These songs talk about being yourself and not to listen to others that criticize. Many transcendentalists believed in self reliance. Self reliance is the ability to rely on yourself rather than others. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a popular transcendentalists that believed in self reliance. Emerson said “envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide ”in his essay Self-Reliance. This means that if you copy someone and live life the way they are then you are not living your own life and really enjoying it. Singer often sing about self reliance in there songs. …show more content…

The lyrics “Shake it off” has a kind of secret meaning to it meaning to not listen to others and kind of shake off what they are saying. The lyrics “at least that's what the people say” then it moves onto “but I keep cruising” means people are going to say things and try to change you but I am just going to move on and stay myself. Taylor says “the haters are going to hate” then she says “I'm just gonna shake” this means that people are going to hate on you and try to change you but you just have to shake it off and stay yourself. Many transcendentalists would agree with Taylor Swift’s song “Shake it off” because you don't want others to dictate your life you want to live life for yourself. This is one of the very many songs that demonstrate self

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