
Examples Of Utilitarianism

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Morality is ones view on what actions are considered right and wrong. Our moral judgements and beliefs determine what actions are right or wrong. Based on our beliefs and others action, we decide another’s character. From the view of Utilitarianism, moral judgements are not a concern because there should only be one goal when an action is made. The one goal in Utilitarianism is to maximize well-being. Our moral judgements can conflict with Utilitarianism and that is often why Utilitarianism is questioned. The two different forms of Utilitarianism address specific acts and the rules around acts. The question still arises whether any form of Utilitarianism can be consistent with our moral judgements. Utilitarianism is the belief that the …show more content…

When the amount of happiness and the number of people is taken into consideration, the amount of pleasure over pain will be the greatest. An action should be chosen based on that it produces the greatest amount of happiness. The action of choosing solely based to maximize happiness poses a problem for our moral judgements. For example, two criminals are dying in the hospital, and the only thing that will save both their lives is one newborns blood cells. Utilitarianism would say that the two criminals should live, and the baby should die because the number of people being saved is greater, and therefore the amount of happiness would be the greatest. This scenario of utilitarianism goes against our moral judgements. Our moral judgements would say that choosing a baby at random to …show more content…

Act-utilitarianism focuses on an individual’s actions specifically. Act-utilitarianism states that that an action is considered right when an individual’s actions produce the overall well-being and the least amount of suffering. The effects of each action have to be taken into consideration, to produce the least amount of suffering. Act-utilitarianism is often criticized because it is more susceptible to moral judgement problems. Act-utilitarianism conflicts with moral judgements because “it may bring about the “best” outcome to sacrifice one (even against their will) for the good of others” (Morality and the Moral Life, Slide 27). Our moral judgements would say sacrificing random people is not the right action, even if a greater number would be saved. Although act-utilitarianism does conflict with our moral judgements, an act-utilitarian would say the overall well-being was produced and that is all that

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