
Examples Of Virtue Ethics

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Phil 1404 Written Assignment Unit 2
Phil 1404 Written Assignment Unit 2: Virtue Ethic
University of the People
Phil 1404 Written Assignment Unit 2
Both deontological and teleological moral theories are called deontic or actions simply because they focus wholly upon the actions which some one works established theories of morality.
Those theories concentrate on the question, which actions should be taken. Virtue ethics, nevertheless, take a very distinct view. (Athanassoulis, n.d.)
Virtue-based ethical philosophies stress less on which rules people focus on but assisting individuals develop good character qualities like generosity and kindness. (Athanassoulis, n.d.)
These personality characteristics may, consequently, enable anyone …show more content…

Every one of all these are called immoralities and stand -in the way of being a man that was good.
(Athanassoulis, n.d.)
It goes back towards primeval Ancient Greek thinkers and is consequently the earliest form of ethical theory in Western philosophy, despite the fact that nowadays virtue ethics was not a particularly general topic for research. Plato pointed out four essential virtues: courage, wisdom, temperance and justice. Aristotle penned down the primary methodical outline of virtue ethics as part of his distinguished work Nichomachean Ethics. In line with Aristotle, when people obtain good practices of character, they can be able to better regulate their reasoning together with their feelings. This, consequently, allows us to attain morally right decisions any time we are confronted with choices that are complicated. (, n.d.)
Phil 1404 Written Assignment Unit 2
One reason they make an imperative impact to our knowledge of virtue and morality ethics may be common is simply because they emphasize the essential part played by intentions in moral issues. (, n.d.)
To behave from virtue is definitely to act from some special motivation; so to say that

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