
Excerpts From Washington Vs. Dubois: Questions And Answers

Satisfactory Essays

Lesson 3:
70 min Paideia Seminar 8. Excerpts from Washington and Dubois
9. Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer
15. Seminar Goal Setting and Reflection Worksheet
16. Peer Review Sheet
Washington vs. DuBois: Which Leader’s Position Represented the Best Hope for Progress?
SQ3: Which reformers’ ideas were most successful?
Students participate in seminar discussion of excerpted versions of either Dubois’ article “Of the Training of Black Men” or Washington’s “Atlanta Compromise Speech” in order to better understand each man’s beliefs about the best strategy for African Americans to achieve equality at the turn of the century. Students analyze …show more content…

1. In Excerpt 1, what does Washington mean when he says “It is at the bottom of life we must begin, and not at the top?”
2. How do both of these leader’s feel about liberal arts vs industrial education?
3. In Excerpt 5, what do you think Washington meant when he says, “Cast down your bucket?”
4. According to the text, which should be prioritized: political rights or economic …show more content…

Why do you think Washington told racially deprecating stories?
6. How do Washington and DuBois differ in their leadership style?
ELABORATE: Seminar Closing Questions – Personalize, apply textual ideas
1. Whose ideas do you think represented the best hope for progress?
2. Speculate if the public debate between Washington and Dubois was a productive and effective, or destructive method for bringing the questions and concerns of the African-American communities into the public discourse?
3. Evaluate how Washington and Dubois could have synthesized their ideas together more effectively?
4. Judge which distinct points Washington and DuBois might never find common ground on? Why?
5. Do you think we can easily classify Washington as a conservative activist, and DuBois as a liberal activist given that they were each responding to the conditions and circumstances of their region? How do we evaluate and generalize whose ideas were more liberal or more conservative based on each man’s situational context?
6. Which ideas do you find to the strongest between both of them?
7. Generalize which activist you find most relevant in your own experience and within modern society. Why? EVALUATE 1: Post-Seminar Process – Assess individual/group

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