
Experiencing Discrimination In The Workplace

Decent Essays

To say that I have experienced discrimination on a high scale would be an overstatement; however, I have been discriminated against in my lifetime on this planet. My actions to combat this phenomenon was not exactly a heroic act, but I did the best I could to make an impact. Experiencing discrimination firsthand helped me learn important lessons that I would not have learned otherwise. As I come to the University of Oregon, I hope to bring my true self, and I hope to continue taking a stand for those who do not have a voice. My personal experiences with discrimination occurred in the form of verbal bullying. People would tend to make fun of me because of my sexual orientation, relative shortness, and my nerdy appearance. At that time, I would just ignore the comments, but I eventually began to stand up for myself. Expressing myself became the topic for a multitude of different projects at school. One of these projects included a National History Day Project that showed the …show more content…

Although life may be okay with you, there are other people who struggle with bullying and discrimination on a daily basis. I could just watch this situation unfold, or I could say something. If you at least say something, there will be some sort of consequence. According to the butterfly effect, one small act can make a big impact on the world. When I come to the University of Oregon, I will not idly stand for discrimination. I will voice my opinion when it is necessary. I also now know that I am not alone in facing discrimination. Oftentimes, you feel as if you are all by yourself in these situations. However, in reality, you are not the only one going through this. Others experience the same things that you do, and I now go to others to get a system of support. With that said, I will try to support other students at the University of Oregon when

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