
Explain How Iago Manipulate Othello

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Finally, Iago effectively manipulates Othello through talking about Cassio and Desdemona's relationship, by acting as a friend, and that Cassio had the handkerchief. Firstly, Iago manipulates Othello by talking to him about the relationship between Cassio and Desdemona which leads to Othello’s jealousy towards Cassio. For example, when Iago talks to Othello about Cassio’s dream: “In sleep I heard him say “Sweet Desdemona, /Let us be wary, let us hide our loves,”(III.iii.426-427). Iago talks about Cassio’s sleep talk at night when Iago was beside him. Iago claims that Cassio called Desdemona's name and fantasizing her in his sleep. Iago even states that Cassio kissed him on his lips and asked why she married Othello. Iago manipulates and taints Othello’s mind with lies which leads him into deeper doubts upon his wife Desdemona. …show more content…

That is how Iago manipulates Othello through talking about Cassio and Desdemona relationship. Furthermore, Iago effectively manipulates othello by acting as is loyal trustworthy friend. For example, when Iago acts as if he does not want to speak the truth about Cassio: “Good my lord,pardon me,/Though I am bound to every act of duty/ I am not bound to that all slaves are free to,”(III.iii.138-140). Despite the fact that Iago is the villain the play but he also manipulates Othello into thinking that he is a trustworthy friend who will listen to all his problems. Iago defects Othello’s mind with lies and backs himself up by stating that he will never lie to someone he respects. Iago states that he does not have the right to speak against another because he does not want to in front of

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