
Explain How Success Consists Of Going Failure To Failures Without Loss Of Enthusiasmism

Decent Essays

Winston Churchill once said that “Success consists of going failure to failures without loss of enthusiasm”. Winston’s statement can be viewed as controversial because some people believe no matter how hard ones tries one may fail. This point has merit because no matter how hard one tries to defy gravity it will constantly be there. Except for these extreme cases success has been seen through history as defeating what one had failed to do before. Being able to succeed is caused by not losing enthusiasm between failures because without an enthusiasm to keep trying one will not want to succeed, failure can create the idea that allows one to succeed, and without failure people would not have the passion succeed no matter what. Enthusiasm between failures allows people to succeed because the character they gain by not quitting is what makes one want to succeed after failure. It is true that failing something that one has worked at for any period of time is hard to go through. The character a person gain from failing however is that spark of persistence and enthusiasm to continue trying. Even if one fails again that character will become even stronger and eventually will lead that person …show more content…

This point is seen anywhere in the world because of the inventions people have made. No invention has ever worked perfectly after the first try. It was the enthusiasm in the inventors to see these objects work perfectly that allowed them to eventually succeed, Some may say that certain inventions are just modified older inventions, but the need for these new inventions was prompted by someone having the enthusiasm to fix a failure in a prior invention. These ideas spurred by realizing the source of a failure may go noticed, but without someone having the enthusiasm to see the idea work there would never be

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