
Explain How To Prevent Gum Disease

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How To Prevent And Reverse Early Gum Disease In Your Family

Gum disease is fairly common, so if you have it, you're not alone. It often develops due to poor oral hygiene, and that means if you take good care of your teeth, you can usually prevent gum disease from developing. This dental problem is a concern for the whole family because children can get gum disease too. Here are some things you can do to prevent this problem, and possibly even reverse it when it is in the early stages.

Brush And Floss Regularly

It is important to brush your teeth consistently. Ideally, you should do it after each meal and when you eat a sugary snack, but since that may not be possible, you should brush diligently each night to remove food bits and plaque from your teeth. If plaque isn't removed, it hardens into tartar. The tarter irritates your gums and causes them to become inflamed and tender. Also, plaque and food particles attract bacteria, which leads to infection in your gums. You may notice bleeding when you brush your teeth or your child's teeth. If so, be sure to see a dentist as soon as you can for further treatment of your gum disease. If you ignore it, it could develop into a more serious type of gum disease that affects the health of your teeth and the bone underneath them. …show more content…

During this procedure, the hygienist uses a tool to scrape the plaque and tartar off your teeth. If you have your teeth cleaned a couple of times each year, the tartar doesn't have time to build up enough to cause serious irritation and infection. If you already have gum disease, a thorough cleaning followed by proper oral hygiene at home may be enough to turn the condition around.

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