
Explain Who Is To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Who’s to blame for Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare? There are a lot of people that could be blamed for it and those people aren’t the ones who did it at all. But people think differently and we have different opinions about things as well. Some people would think that’s it's them that could be blamed and it could be others still. It also just could have been just Juliet because she's the one who took the poison that would put her to sleep for 48 hours and it could be Romeo because he killed Tybalt and that he has been banished from his home. Nobody really knows who to blame for their deaths really. So who is really to blame for their deaths? Romeo and Juliet’s families don’t really get along with each other that well. They are both …show more content…

Thats one of the people that most people might blame for them to be dead. He is the one who wanted them to be together and get married and so that the two families would be friends and not fight. He is the one who also gave Juliet the poison that would make her fall asleep for a while, which gave the family the thought that she did die because of that and they think that she died somehow else. If Friar Lawrence didn’t give Juliet that poison then maybe they wouldn’t have died and then they would be together like they were meant to be. That could have not made Juliet die and Romeo as well and make their parents and families sad. Another person that could be blamed is Juliet. She is very young and is too young to marry now a days. I think she should of waited to get married and then she could have been fine. But she has fallen in love with someone a little old for her and she wanted to marry him just like that. That is the crazy part about it. Her parents should have also waited to have her get married and then she could have been just fine about it. The nurse doesn’t help either, she helped Juliet get in touch with him because she couldn’t leave her home. So she was also helping as well which was a bad idea as

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