
Explain Why Langston's Waiting So He Burned So Much After Coming Home

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Hughes’s recalls this event because it eternally reshaped the way he views his religion. His whole faith is transformed to something that denounced his earlier beliefs, and he wants to share that experience. The author’s portrayal of the revival meeting is extremely realistic. What techniques does Hughes’s use to make it realistic? Hughes uses metaphors to compare the children to young lambs. Hughes also uses strong language to describe the five senses so fully that I can picture the moment in my mind. Why does Hughes spend time talking now about Westley? How is young Langston different from this boy? Westley is the other boy that wasn't saved by Jesus. Westley then got up, took God’s name in vain, and lied in church. Langston was shocked that …show more content…

What does the author’s waiting so long to be “saved” tell you about him? It tells me that he really believes that he will “see” Jesus, so he didn't like the fact that he lied to finish the ceremony. He is an honest person, and he looks back on that and is ashamed. Explain why Langston cried so much after coming home. Is there only one reason behind his tears? What does the last paragraph tell you about young Langston? Langston crime so much because his good character was disappointed in the fact that he lied in church. Another reason he was so upset was that he couldn't bear to tell his aunt that he didn't believe in Jesus because it meant so much to her that he believed in him. What examples of metaphoric language do you find in this essay? Cite 3 examples. How do these figures of speech help Hughes accomplish his purpose? In one metaphor, Hughes compares the children about to be revived to Lambs of God. Waves of rejoicing swept the place. Suddenly, the whole room broke into a sea of shouting. It gives the reader something to compare the experience to if you can't quite understand the point the …show more content…

When Westley and I were the last children waiting to be saved, he cursed in church, and lie! Although I knew it was wrong, I knew that there wasn't a consequence for lying, so got up and was saved to save everyone the trouble of sitting at the church all day. 4. If you could relive this experience and change the decisions you made for a better outcome, would you? I could say that I would change what happened when my aunt asked me why I didn't come to be saved by Jesus. Had I told her that I didn't see him in the church, she might have informed me that you didn't see Jesus, but you felt his presence with you through your faith, and I would have been with him forever. However, I never would have written this story if I didn't feel such a strong sensation of rejection and betrayal, so I have no regrets. Stephanie Ciarochi Mrs. Tidwell English 1 27 October 2017 Part 3, Essay I was pressured by my Russian coaches to compete at a qualifying competition on a fractured foot, but it was for a chance to compete at the national championships. Langston Hughes was also pressured at a religious revival to “see” Jesus and become a part of his aunt’s faith in his story,

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