If there is a child who is learning English as their second language and has two months not being able to speak a single word in English, I would not refer him to speech therapy. Unless, if he definitely cannot pronounce words either in his home language or second language then yes, I would refer him to speech. The reason for this is because the child may need time to have the courage to speak or may just not understand most language. He does understand some speech and responses non-verbally and this is a great start for him. It is important that teachers do not attempt to replace the child’s first language with English. “The teachers should never attempt to replace the child’s home language with the second language.” (Bullard, J. (2017). pg. 234). We have to respect their language and just scaffold the vocabulary that you want to teach the children. Using a lot of pictures, gestures or manipulatives with the vocabulary will help the child learn and capture the word meaning. “It is important to use gestures, manipulatives and visual aids to assist” (Bullard, J. (2017). pg. 235). …show more content…
Having materials that represent their culture is another way of preserving their home language. Speaking with the parents and asking about any songs that are sung in their home and having children sing the songs in class. “Ask families and community members to tell stories or sing a song in their language.” (Bullard, J. (2017). pg. 235). Children will feel more comfortable in an environment where they see culturally relevant materials or activities. This will help the child learn English in an environment where he feels respected and valued for his
After reading the book to the children I will engage the students in a classroom discussion that aims to uncover what they might know about their own cultural background. Questions posed could include, “do you know where you were born or where your mum and dad were born”, “do you speak any other languages at home and what is that language, can you say something to us in your home language?”. These questions aim to uncover the diverse cultures within the classroom and by engaging in a group discussion the students learn about each other and learn that they all have different experiences and cultures. According to Fellows and Oakley (2014) reading stories to children provides the ideal context to develop oral language which can be further enhanced with educator led discussion (pg. 90).
In a country like America where people all over the world come to obtain a better future for themselves and their children, there is a large diversity in culture and languages. Most immigrant families come to America speaking a different language and have to adapt to the American language, English. However, several people do not learn English or have difficulty learning it. Usually older people struggle to learn English because they do not have time. Though, children may not have a hard time learning the English language because they are often sent to school. Currently children are now expected to learn a new foreign language, but most of the children’s families would like them to continue speaking their native language as well.
Many parents believe that it is better not to speak English. When this happens the students will not receive the practice that they really need. The student must know their parents’ language it is imperative to the student’s cultural identity and has to maintain a healthy relationship with their family. Parents’ have concerns about using their native language with their children include: learning another language is too difficult it will delay their language development; the child will not be able to master either language; they will not be as proficient as the students who know one language; confusing the two languages will happen; and they will communicate in English with an accent. The school should address these concerns before the school year begins.
Not only are these activities fun for the child, they can be fun for the family as well. It is also a way of having the parent teach their child and help support their learning at home. During school, I remember doing the culture poster board at school and I loved it. I may not have been an English Language Learner, but seeing the expression on the ones that had different ways of life like reading, writing, what they eat, their language, their religion. It was amazing the things I learned. I would want the same for the children I teach.
I choose 2 themes from the article “culturally relevant pedagogy” one was “Cultural competence” and the example provided by Ann Lewis. The example was to use their home language in class and then translated in English. I also like the idea of code-switching; it gave me a new perspective of how I can improve my future classroom. It would allow the children to learn English faster and also understand the class. When I came to the U.S. it took me longer to learn the language because I was placed in a subtractive bilingualism classroom. And I don’t want that for my students I want them to learn each lesson and also learn the language to facilitate their learning.
I am writing a essay on why it is good to know a different language then the one you grew up speaking. First there is the traveling aspect, you might want to travel to a different country possibly even move there.Other job opportunities that you might have because you know a second language. In my opinion, the reason to know a second language is America is a melting pot of races and languages.
I envision the first and second week of school to be “All About Me.” In this topic I would send home a letter/activity for the student and parent/primary caregiver to describe the culture they closely relate too. In the letter I would inform parents how important culture inclusion is and that students will be exposed to the cultures of the other students in the class. Other ways I would incorporate culture into the classroom is through activities and experiences. In the housekeeping center I would have clothes from different cultures and visual aids. Also, if I could find empty boxes from foods of different cultures I would put them in the cabinets for students to play with. I would also label my classroom in English, Spanish and possibly another language like Mandurian or French. In my literacy center I would include books of different languages and books that introduce different cultures. Culture can be implemented in a preschool curriculum through many activities, discussions, books and play experiences. My hope is that multiple exposures to diverse languages and cultures can help all children grow up to understand the complexity of cultures and to value its role in shaping who they are—everywhere they
Language can be spoken in a variety of context using one language or multiple languages to convey a message. Different types of approaches to therapy have been used to facilitate correct speech sound production in children who speak one or multiple languages where a disorder is present in both languages. Minimal contrast therapy also known as a cognitive linguistic approach is one approach in which is used to work on phonological processes based on words that differ in only one phoneme. There are numerous research studies involving the topic of bilingual and multilingual phonological and speech sound disorders in children as well as the types of therapies that are effective as treatment methods such as the minimal contrast approach. It is
When selecting a treatment approach to use with a child in speech-language therapy, one should consider the principle of selecting an approach based on a specific skill or an underlying process which is related to that skill. The principle of treating a specific skill versus an underlying process that is a requisite for that skill should be considered when planning treatment to target emergent literacy skills in children with specific language impairment (SLI). As will be discussed, children with SLI can have co-morbid auditory processing deficits that can affect their phonological awareness, and therefore, emergent literacy skills. When planning treatment
Rationale: To make a classroom culturally relevant environment, teachers need to be able to recognize all diverse cultures in the class, and integrate this to the curriculum. Also, teachers teaching these students from different backgrounds, who in the most cases speak other language than English, need to implement instructional strategies that promote language comprehension, and development, so students can be successful in the unit. This artifact demonstrates how language acquisition is promoted for English learners at their different stages. This article explains the four different stages of language acquisition: Pre-production, early production, speech emergence, and intermediate fluency, and present some strategies that can be implemented in the unit to support English learners.
The Speech and Language Therapist will monitor the child in the classroom setting and assess them to devise a therapy programme directed at their individual needs. These programmes are then delivered by health care professionals and school staff and are evaluated and modified over time depending on the child`s development and progress. They will work very closely with school staff (especially the SENCO) and demonstrate strategies needed to help staff to deliver the therapy programme to enhance the child`s skills and learning.
As an educator it is important to be aware of the various learners in the classroom as well as being able to shift lessons accordingly to adapt to a greater number of students. In addition it is essential that culturally responsive practices is adapted in the classroom in order for all students to have a sense of belonging and are able to participate. For this reason, a teacher must actively use culturally responsive practices to engage students and their families because it helps to develop a relationship and maintain a level of communication. Learning “facts” about different cultures is not enough, it is more important that we make
Firstly, student learning can be enhanced through language sharing. Students from culturally diverse classes are usually come from different places, for example, Europe, America and South Asia. Different countries have their own mother languages. For American, they speak English as their mother language and they can speak very fluently with the accurate American accent. Through classroom interaction, Hong Kong students can learn English more accurately with correct accent and
Language can be defined as “the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way.” Language is essential to every aspect of a person’s life. Language is used to express emotions, thoughts, questions, thoughts that people wanted to communicate. After reading, “Vanishing Voices, Aka” one may believe that language has a huge role in the lives of people and their culture. Linguists believe that “different languages highlight the varieties of human experience”(Aka 2016). The text also explains that many languages are becoming extinct because of the lack of speakers. Most people who speak languages such as Aka, Tuvan, and Seri also speak a second mainstream language. There are currently 6909 living languages in the world. However, only 56% of the world is bilingual. Most high schools require students to learn a second language. However, children are able to take in more information when they are younger. Therefore, schools should teach children a second language at an earlier age. Language has a tremendous effect on toddlers as well as children.
Language is one of the main ways we use to gain information. Thanks to words, our knowledge is not limited to our personal experience and deductions, but we can share our ideas with others and have use of the common knowledge. However, is it so in all the areas of knowledge? Or are there disciplines where language is more crucial than in others? In this essay I am going to analyze the use of language in arts, mathematics, natural sciences and history, and the use of language in each of them will be compared.