
Explaining The Constitution

Decent Essays

The Constitution was started on May twenty fifth and was signed on September seventeen, seventy- eighty seven. At the Philadelphia Convention. But then the Philadelphia Convention turned into the Constitutional convention. The Constitution consist of seven articles that address legislative power, executive power, judicial power, states’ power, amendments, federal power and ratification. But there are five parts of the constitution that protect our individual rights and freedom. But how is something two-hundred-and sixty years old protecting some of our basic rights today? Well some of the basic rights that are written in the Constitution are the Bill of Rights, and amendment fourteen,fifteen ,nineteen, and twenty-six. The bill of rights …show more content…

“The Bill of Rights is a list of limits on government power” so that the government would not grow over powering. Why did the states want to add the Bill of writes? Well imagine getting to ride your bike for the first time and you can go faster then you could walking. But wait there's rues that will keep you safe and other people safe as your out riding your bike. What if you didn’t know the rules because nobody bothered to write them down because they thought they were obviously everybody knew them already. When the delegates went to rewrite the constitution they came across a very similar problem. The majority of them thought that we already knew what are basic rights were. In an article titled Explaining the Bill of Rights by Barbara Silberdick Feinberg states that “However, the lack of specific guarantees of personal liberty was one of the main reasons why a number of states were reluctant to accept the Constitution.” What happens when a state does not accept it, then what happens? The Anti-federalist who did not approve of the constitution felt like “that the states would be absorbed into an all-too-powerful national government.” What they meant by this is they felt that the

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