
Explanation Of The Story 'There Will Come Soft Rains'

Satisfactory Essays

When do you think this story occurs? What is it about the descriptions of the setting that makes you think this?

The story ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’ is set in 1985. The author published the story in 1950 and wrote about what he thinks might happen in the next 30 years. In this story the author writes about a lonely house on a street that does things on its own even if there is no one living in it. Technology are getting more advance, as this was the main idea on the story shown (pg 123) “Books that that talked, beds that warmed and made themselves, fires that built themselves”. “And inside, the house was like an altar with nine thousand robot attendants, big and small”. These robot would “sing, do choirs, and servicing” . This portrays

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