
Exploit In Brave New World Essay

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Exploit in Huxley’s Dystopia: Eugenics and Psychological Conditioning A utopian society is already an intimidating idea to most people; how can one ensure that the simple idea of a utopia will send people running in the opposite direction? Add eugenics and psychological condition to the conversation. In Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel, Brave New World, that is exactly what he does. Taking America by storm in 1932, and causing great controversy ever since, Brave New World did nothing less than stir the pot among those of the literary community. The foundation of this new world order relies heavily on scientific breakthroughs that allow for the implementation of eugenics and psychological conditioning on a global scale. Shockingly different from any …show more content…

Differently from many other utopian and dystopian authors, Huxley does not exterminate the concept of money. Instead, he uses eugenics and psychological conditioning to manipulate different social classes to purchase various goods and services; in doing so, Huxley is able to capitalize on his own citizens. Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons are conditioned to like flowers and nature (Huxley 31). “The idea [is] to make them want to be going out into the country at every available opportunity, and so compel them to consume transport” (Huxley 31). In this example, Huxley is making a profit off his people by manipulating their desire to spend money. Lower classes, like Epsilons, are conditioned to “grow up with what psychologists used to call an ‘instinctive’ hatred of books and flowers” (Huxley 30). The purpose of this is to trick Epsilons and other working classes into thinking that learning and nature are bad; this allows the World State to capitalize on Epsilons production in the

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