
Exploratory Data Analysis In Excel Exercises

Satisfactory Essays

Homework: Exploratory Data Analysis
In Excel Exercises
In picture A, you can see proportion survived in female (72%) higher than male (19%). In column “นับจำนวน ของ age” value less than column “นับจำนวน ของ survived2” both female and male, because some case doesn’t have data about age that call “missing data” (female = 466-388 = 78, male = 843-658 = 185).
In R Exercises
 Central tendency and Spread
In picture B show the result central tendency of age. Min=32.00, Q1=59.75, Median=71.00, Mean=68.25, Q3=80.25 and Max=92.00. When I interpret this result. I compare two values (median-Q1 and Q3-median). The value from Q3-median is more than value from median-Q1 that mean this graph is negative skew, correlate with picture C.
 Any outliers or abnormal

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