The economy in the United States continues to struggle through a very sluggish recovery. We are constantly bombarded with terms like green, alternative or renewable energy sources as ways to save money and help the environment. However, there is not an alternative energy company that comes anywhere close to the revenues of the old-fashioned oil and gas industry. The “greenest” energy-as far as money goes- continues to be the multi-billion dollar oil and gas industry. What many people don’t know is that modern technology is helping this industry become more environmentally friendly. Despite gasoline prices almost doubling in the last six years, the rise of hybrid cars and a continued push to lower emissions. Americans have not slowed down on the highway or their demand for gasoline. The United States Transportation Statistics estimates that in 2012, there were 628 motor vehicles and gas per 1,000 people. This is a business that will continue to have demand despite the strength of the economy for many reasons. Demand for gasoline in the United States is just one small part of it.
ExxonMobil (XOM) is a multinational oil and gas corporation that has been around for over 125 years. It evolved from a regional marketer of kerosene in the United States to the largest publicly traded petroleum and petrochemical enterprise in the world. XOM currently employs almost 80,000 people. stated that 2013 earnings were $32.6 billion. While this was down 27% from
1. Americans are known for their long-term love affair with their cars. But as gasoline prices soar and concern about the environment mounts, the standard of living by ordinary people on a daily basis also become difficult; the need to conserve gasoline has become increasingly clear. What would it take to reduce the overall demand for gasoline in the United States most especially as we see it now?
Drivers realize that the price of gas is tied to the market value of crude oil, and has a direct impact to their daily commutes, errands, and vacations. However the reality is that the price of fuel has implications much grater than most consumers realize. Fuel prices affect nearly everything we purchase. For example, the price of farm commodities and food increase because farmers pay more for the fuel for their farm equipment and trucking firms pay more for fuel to get the commodities to market. These shipping “fuel surcharges” impact all goods
This year we have seen more electric and hybrid vehicle startups than ever before.” (Morrison) Nearly everyone recognizes the benefits of the shift, both in terms of how it would help our environment in the long term, but also the economic impact it would have, (reduced gas costs, lower electric and other utilities bills... etc.) But still, many large companies work to impede the progress in favor of maintaining our dependence on fossil fuels. The American Petroleum institute has worked with many oil industry protection companies to stymie the renewable energy movement, even in some cases, “posing as environmentalist groups in order to attract the support of environmentalists while simultaneously pushing their anti-renewable agenda.” (Blankenhorn) Many of these companies striving against renewable energy also support the building of the Keystone pipeline, using the justification that the building of the pipeline would lower gas prices. But what they fail to acknowledge is the basic economic fallacy of this, “Fossil energy prices are not going to fall. The more you remove carbon-based resources from the ground, the more it costs to get more.”
Exxon Mobil is the largest publicly traded international oil and gas corporation around the world. The headquarter of Exxon Mobil Corporation is in Irving, Texas and the company running their business in over 200 countries in the world.
One of the most reputable resources that Exxon Mobil has today is a strong brand name. Exxon Mobil operates all over the world and is recognized in every part of the world (Datamonitor, 2008). When people all over the world know who a company is, what they do, and where they are located, the company gains a unique competitive advantage over
GE Corp (General Electric Company GE, NYSE:GE), the world 's largest Multi-National Corporation to provide technology and services. According to 2007 statistics, GE 's sales income is 172.738 billion, has the world 's second largest market assets of company, and in sales revenue over the past four years has been first in the world.. GE is a more outstanding Multi-National Corporation in the development of diversified companies. At present, the company has more than 100 countries in the world, with 315000 employees. Current chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Jeffrey R. Immelt.
ExxonMobil is a United States based transnational oil and gas corporation. Founded on the 30th of November 1999 after the merger between Exxon and Mobil, reuniting the original breakup of standard oil company (Folsom Jr 1998). It is the world’s largest publicly traded oil and gas company by market value and as of 2016, the sixth largest in terms of revenue at $246 million per year (Decarlo 2016) . ExxonMobil’s oil and gas exploration stretches across six continents with
The U.S obtains more than 84% of its energy from fossil fuels including oil, coal and natural gas. This is because people rely on it to heat their homes, power industries, run vehicles, manufacturing, and provision of electricity. It is apparent that the country’s transportation industry highly depends on conventional petroleum oil, which is responsible for global warming, thus threatening economic opulence and national security. Apart from that, increasing consumption of fossil fuels have elevated health problems in the state, destroyed wild places, and polluted the environment. After conducting Environmental Impact Assessment, projections showed that the world energy consumption would increase by more than 56% between 2010 and 2040. However, fossil fuels will cater for more than 80% of the total energy used in 2040. Sadly, it will be a trajectory to alter the world’s climate, as well as, weaken the global security environment. Importantly, the rate at which the US relies on fossil fuels needs to reduce since it has adverse effects on the planet’s supplies. The society needs to realize that fossil fuels are nonrenewable, thus taking millions of years to form (Huebner, 2003). Notably, the country can reduce dependency on fossil fuels by practicing energy conservation and efficiency,
While ExxonMobil’s engagement with communities that are proximal to their operations can often be described as proactive and
The second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States is related to transportation, the burning of oil to produce energy in a combustion motor. The combustion process inside of engines is what produces the carbon matter that is emitted into the air through the exhaust system on gas-powered vehicles. Gas-powered transportation is accountable for 24 percent of the global carbon emissions; this should not come as much of a surprise given the amount of urban sprawl that is being seen in the United States and across the globe. In the past decade, the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States government, and major car manufacturers have been working in conjunction to find ways to provide a “greener” form of transportation (EPA, 2011). This has included testing the use of hydropower, ethanol, natural gas, biodiesel, and electricity as a means of powering vehicles, which has led to the introduction of hybrid vehicles. Hybrid vehicles run on electricity and gasoline, the byproduct of oil that is generally used in the engine combustion process of vehicles (U.S. Department of
Chevron is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies. Through its subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide, the company is involved in almost every facet of the energy industry. Chevron explores for, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, markets and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants; manufactures and sells petrochemicals and additives; generates power and produces geothermal energy; and develops technologies that enhance the company’s operations.
Today’s environmentally concerned consumers are looking for ways to not only save the environment, but also save money. Oil prices are constantly on the
ExxonMobil is the largest publicly traded oil and gas producing company. ExxonMobil does business in 200 countries world-wide (1). Some countries are designated for exploring gas and petroleum, and some are designated for manufacturing chemicals, lubricants, and market fuels (1). ExxonMobil's world-class petroleum portfolio gives access to proven reserves of 21.9 billion oil-equivalent barrels of oil and gas, which is the highest in the industry (1). The company's discovered resources consist of 72 billion oil equivalent barrels of oil and gas. On average, each day, they produce 2.5 million barrels of oil and 10.5 billion cubic feet of gas (4). Their asset base, includes more than 60,000 production wells in 1,800 fields in 25 countries.
The US consumed 142 billion gallons of gasoline in 2007 and the tax applied on it is 18. 4 cents on one gallon. All around the US, there are around 162,000 retail gasoline outlets. With the price of crude oil hovering around $100 a barrel, it is no wonder that concern is growing about the gas prices being so high. After all, modern economies are kept moving by this lifeblood. For instance, in the United States alone personal vehicles consume more than 140 billion gallons of diesel fuel and gasoline per year.However, there are several factors that contribute to the gas prices being so high. Given below are a few of them. Increasing Demand for Oil One of the main catalysts for the incessant rise in gas prices has been one of the most
In 2000, the total fuel consumption for motor vehicles in the United States was 162,554 million gallons of oil. After 12 years of price increase, the average price of fuel in 2012 was $3.68 with fuel consumption reaching 168,395 million gallons. The estimated price elasticity of demand for the years 2000-2012 is 0.025 and therefore price inelastic. As shown in the graph, over the course of 12 recent years, there hasn’t been much change in gas consumption. Despite some years having a drop or rise in gas prices of almost 30%, the greatest changes in year-to-year consumption have only been about -4% and 2.4%. Although gas prices can increase greatly, they remain an important part of getting around.