
Eyewitness Testimony: Guilty Or Innocent

Decent Essays

Having witnesses to resolve an issue is extremely beneficial, especially in court where evidence is needed to prove whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. However, it is unfortunately not always one hundred percent accurate due to the imperfection and complexity of human memory. This dilemma occurred with two men, Ronald Cotton and Dwayne Allen Dail, whom were both falsely convicted of a crime and sentenced to prison. These two men had to give up their freedom to spend years imprisoned because of a crime they didn’t commit and unreliable eyewitness testimony. While eyewitness testimony can be very valuable in crime solving, it can also wrongly strip away the freedom of innocent people.
Ronald Cotton was falsely accused of raping 22-year-old college student Jennifer Thompson in 1984, and had to spend eleven years in prison after the final court decision made in 1985 in the state of …show more content…

According to the article “Expert testimony: Does eyewitness memory research have probative value for the courts?”, “…eyewitness identifications are the single most common cause of wrongful convictions” even though compared to actual confessions, “eyewitness testimony has been described as the most incriminating evidence that can be introduced against the accused” (Yarmey, 2001). While even though eyewitness testimony can lead to false accusations, it is still considered to be a necessary source of evidence in a crime case. A statistic provided by Christine Mumma, Dwayne Allen Dail’s lawyer, supports the liability of eyewitness testimony, stating that “Misidentification is the leading factor in wrongful conviction across the country…it’s present in 75 percent of wrongful convictions” (Mumma, 2009). Inaccurate eyewitness testimonies are not just simple memory slips of the brain, as they can unfairly affect the lives of innocent

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