
Eyewitness Testimony Of The Human Eye

Decent Essays

In eyewitness testimony the human eye can distort or change what it sees. There are many intricate parts of the eye that contribute to people’s daily vision. Not everyone has the same form and order of cells in their eyes. The rod cells are located on the perimeter of the retina. While the cone cells are compacted together in the middle of the retina. Both of these cell types are clustered together but, are not placed evenly throughout the eye. When the form of the cells create “central vision” the vision is clear. The other form of the eye is “peripheral vision” which has less clear vision. When someone looks around the eye can take a quick glance at an object and see many things, yet so much is going on in the eye to produce this image. The eyes take in everything they see to create a smooth movement. This makes the brain look at it as a motion picture. The eyes see three dimensional to notice every side of an object. This can result in two different types of vision. “Binocular vision” which is where sight is produced from both eyes. The other type is “Stereoscopic vision” where both eyes collect different angles of an image and gives it depth. All the different forms and and visions in the eye can create a different perception for each individual. The eye …show more content…

Here are a few positive reasons for eyewitness testimony. One is eyewitness testimony can be used as evidence. Another is that eyewitness testimony can influence the jury’s decision. Lastly, it can help to better understand what has happened and why. This does not mean eyewitness is the solution to all cases. Here are a couple of negative aspects of eyewitness testimony. It depends on the witness’ memory and bias opinion. Secondly, the witness could make up something due to pressure and nervousness. Lastly, eyewitness testimony could end up convicting the wrong

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